What If Jesus Was Serious? - Matt Young - Red Letter Christians
What if Jesus was serious when he said: Love and pray for your enemies, do not judge others, give to the poor, and don’t worry about your life?
God reigns when we take a liberal view, when a liberal view is presented to us. ~ Henry David Thoreau
The End of Church - The Huffington Post
Every day more people leave their church and return to God.
I was sitting in school 5 miles away in Ravenna, Ohio while our government was murdering kids not much older than me at Kent State for having the audacity to protest our government's handling of the Vietnam war. Just a few years ago, our government was calling those who objected to President Bush's war in Iraq, "traitors."
I think Rand Paul is a fascist, Ayn Rand worshipping, Satanist piece of sweltering feces, but even a broken clock is right twice a day. In this case, he was right to be concerned about the use of drones against American citizens by their own govenment and he proved that we should reform the filibuster and return to the talking filibuster because it works.
The Christian Right is partially correct, if the church was obeying Jesus instead of building elaborate churches and cathedrals, we wouldn't need the government to step in and help the poor, but a person of compassion is glad to see the poor get the help from anywhere while he does what he can and weeps for what the Church has become (Ezekiel 9).