The Biggest "Takers" and Societal Parasites Are the Rich, Not the Working Class and Poor
God reigns when we take a liberal view, when a liberal view is presented to us. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Emperor Jesus?
Emperor Jesus?
While the terminology may be dated, it must be remembered that the Kingdom of God has an upside down hierarchy. The greatest are those who serve others today and those on the top of the heap today will be on the bottom in the coming kingdom. Today's poor await treasures in heaven while the earthly wealthy already have their reward.
And to me, a bit of poverty for the 70ish years one spends on earth is well worth the coming reward.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
God never commanded us...
God never commanded us to love our spouses, children, grand children, or our BFFs. Loving them comes naturally to most people.
We are, however commanded to love God, our neighbor, and our enemies. Those we have to work at.
Splinters and street corners
If the people who metaphorically stand on street corners praying, "Thank God, I'm not a sinner like that man over there," started a church with the people ignoring the beam in their own eye to point out the splinter in another's, it would be called the Christian Right.