God reigns when we take a liberal view, when a liberal view is presented to us. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Monday, December 12, 2011
Backlash Hits Lowe's After Company Pulls Ads From TLC's 'All-American Muslim' Reality Show
I for one will not be shopping at Lowe's any time soon. But I want to thank the Christian Hate group behind this, I was unaware of this show, now I have my DVR set to record the series and several back episodes to catch up on, "On Demand."
As a Christian (a word that originally meant "like Christ") it's my privilege to try and imitate Jesus, and since he stood for the oppressed (Luke 4:18), I do as well ... and among the many oppressed peoples in America, Muslims rank near the top.
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Backlash Hits Lowe's After Company Pulls Ads From TLC's 'All-American Muslim' Reality Show
Backlash Hits Lowe's After Company Pulls Ads From TLC's 'All-American Muslim' Reality Show
I for one will not be shopping at Lowe's any time soon. But I want to thank the Christian Hate group behind this, I was unaware of this show, now I have my DVR set to record the series and several back episodes to catch up on, "On Demand."
As a Christian (a word that originally meant "like Christ") it's my privilege to try and imitate Jesus, and since he stood for the oppressed (Luke 4:18), I do as well ... and among the many oppressed peoples in America, Muslims rank near the top.
I for one will not be shopping at Lowe's any time soon. But I want to thank the Christian Hate group behind this, I was unaware of this show, now I have my DVR set to record the series and several back episodes to catch up on, "On Demand."
As a Christian (a word that originally meant "like Christ") it's my privilege to try and imitate Jesus, and since he stood for the oppressed (Luke 4:18), I do as well ... and among the many oppressed peoples in America, Muslims rank near the top.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
As a Christian, I prefer to be like Paul when speaking to the people of Athens and be respectful of other religions... So I say, Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays!!!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
What the NYPD Really Thinks of Occupy Wall Street
What the NYPD Really Thinks of Occupy Wall Street | Mother Jones
The Occupy Wall Streeters have accomplished a few things not the least of which is opening a dialogue. Not issuing specific demands was a stroke of genius in this regard. What the Tea Party (sic)doesn't get is that, since Citizens United, corporations are the government. We face a larger but similar situation to what prompted the original Tea Party: a tax passed by the British government to prop up a corporate monopoly, the East India Tea Company.
What the people who accuse everyone they disagree with of being Socialists (as if that were a bad thing) don't get is that Socialists are not against Capitalism. We support small business, mom and pops, etc. but believe that essential business: hospitals, utilities, water, etc. should belong to us all. What America has is not Capitalism, the Free Market is a myth (just try to enter the market as a Doctor without a license), technically it's Corporatism, another word for Fascism. Finally, the NYPD have been very helpful - every act of violence by the NYPD has swelled the ranks of Occupy Wall Street's sympathizers.
The Occupy Wall Streeters have accomplished a few things not the least of which is opening a dialogue. Not issuing specific demands was a stroke of genius in this regard. What the Tea Party (sic)doesn't get is that, since Citizens United, corporations are the government. We face a larger but similar situation to what prompted the original Tea Party: a tax passed by the British government to prop up a corporate monopoly, the East India Tea Company.
What the people who accuse everyone they disagree with of being Socialists (as if that were a bad thing) don't get is that Socialists are not against Capitalism. We support small business, mom and pops, etc. but believe that essential business: hospitals, utilities, water, etc. should belong to us all. What America has is not Capitalism, the Free Market is a myth (just try to enter the market as a Doctor without a license), technically it's Corporatism, another word for Fascism. Finally, the NYPD have been very helpful - every act of violence by the NYPD has swelled the ranks of Occupy Wall Street's sympathizers.
Steve Israel Furious At Republican Charge That He Embraces Anti-Semitism In Occupy Wall Street
The Right likes Jews only because they believe the Antichrist is going to nuke them before Armageddon
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Fox News promotes Nazis who claim to support ‘Occupy Wall St.’
Fox News promotes Nazis who claim to support ‘Occupy Wall St.’
We have to remember that the Koch sire received his fortune by selling oil to America's enemies, Hitler and Stalin. He then founded the John Birch Society. His sons, who also did business with America's enemy, Iran funded the Tea Party. Both of these groups are for neo-NAZI's who want to keep their hair.
Further...the same types of people support the Tea Party that supported Hitler: CEO's, Industrialists, the wealthy, and Conservative Christians (who gave Hitler the votes he needed to win election). German Corporations benefited from cheap labor provided by Concentration Camps. American corporations benefit from cheap labor provided by the largest prison population in the world. Hitler even kept a portrait of Henry Ford in his office.
Hitler killed and imprisoned Liberals first, then gays, then Jews. I predict Conservatives will imprison Liberals, then gays, Hispanics, Blacks, single mothers, and eventually Jews who don't convert to Christianity and take the Mark.
Fascism is capitalism plus murder - defined as Corporatism. NAZIism is Fascism plus a scape-goat, whether the Jews, Blacks, Hispanics - always Liberals - someone to blame a nation's problems on to divert attention away from the corporations who are the real cause.
We have to remember that the Koch sire received his fortune by selling oil to America's enemies, Hitler and Stalin. He then founded the John Birch Society. His sons, who also did business with America's enemy, Iran funded the Tea Party. Both of these groups are for neo-NAZI's who want to keep their hair.
Further...the same types of people support the Tea Party that supported Hitler: CEO's, Industrialists, the wealthy, and Conservative Christians (who gave Hitler the votes he needed to win election). German Corporations benefited from cheap labor provided by Concentration Camps. American corporations benefit from cheap labor provided by the largest prison population in the world. Hitler even kept a portrait of Henry Ford in his office.
Hitler killed and imprisoned Liberals first, then gays, then Jews. I predict Conservatives will imprison Liberals, then gays, Hispanics, Blacks, single mothers, and eventually Jews who don't convert to Christianity and take the Mark.
Fascism is capitalism plus murder - defined as Corporatism. NAZIism is Fascism plus a scape-goat, whether the Jews, Blacks, Hispanics - always Liberals - someone to blame a nation's problems on to divert attention away from the corporations who are the real cause.
Herman Cain Blames The Unemployed, GOP Debate Audience Cheers (VIDEO)
OCCUPY WALL STREET: Had one until you shipped it to China.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011
GOP Debate: Republican Presidential Candidates Face Off In Las Vegas Amid Controversy (VIDEO)
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Herman Cain: Jesus Was Killed By A 'Liberal Court'
Herman Cain appears to be just one more in a long line of Conservati
1. A tax on the increase of agricultur
2. In the "promised land
3. Could not be paid in money
4. Was cooked by the priests who kept a portion.
5. Eaten by the tither and his family
6. Leftovers were shared with strangers
Jesus was crucified because he upset the status quo (Conservat
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Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Matthew 22:15-22: The Heavy Cost of Paying 'The Emperor'
I'm sure Jesus would say, "Who's name is on the dollar bill?" Give to the United States of America what belongs to the United States of America and give to God what is God.
And to which god does "In God We Trust" refer to? Is it not to Mammon, the god of Money?
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Occupy Wall Street, The Golden Calf and the New Idolatry
Pagan gods were usually worshiped for one of several major reasons:
1. Guilt at having to kill to eat: "spirit" of a major food source (The Ainu bear god, the "Lamb of God", etc.)
2. Fear (Fundament
3. In hopes of blessing: Ba'al, the Canaanite golden calf was worshiped in hopes he's cause the herds to increase thereby increasing the worshiper'
The people called the golden calf, the god who led them out of Israel, giving it credit for what "the LORD" (Yahweh) had done. This is a substituti
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Bank Of America Aims To Change Image With New Ads
Isn't this a little bit like a BofA telling their rape victims to "lay back and enjoy it?"
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Sunday, October 9, 2011
Teens Leave Churches Seen As Judgmental, Unfriendly According To New Book 'You Lost Me'
My wife grew up in a Free Will Baptist church, we got married there, and tried to go after our wedding. Unfortunat
The problem was the same problem with American Fundamenta
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Bryan Fischer, Radical Christian, Follows Mitt Romney At Values Voters Summit
What qualifies one as a Christian is acting like Christ. The word means, "Christ like." Something which at least some Mormons do, I suppose, and Conservati
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Friday, October 7, 2011
The End of Pax Americana?
We have the most expensive military in the world. We spend more on our military than the rest of the world combined spends on theirs. And for what? Defective weapons and vehicles without body armor? During peacetime, one of our Navy's functions is to protect shipping lanes so corporations can import goods instead of hiring Americans to make them.
While we're at it, how much would we save by closing overseas military bases? Who are we protecting Germany from anyway? Our nation chose to call it's military, "The Department of Defense," because we wanted a means to defend ourselves. We did not want to overthrow nations, be the world's policeman, or pay to put ourselves out of work and it's past time we stopped.
The End of Pax Americana?
While we're at it, how much would we save by closing overseas military bases? Who are we protecting Germany from anyway? Our nation chose to call it's military, "The Department of Defense," because we wanted a means to defend ourselves. We did not want to overthrow nations, be the world's policeman, or pay to put ourselves out of work and it's past time we stopped.
The End of Pax Americana?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Rick Perry’s Newest Problem: His Fond Memories of “Niggerhead” and Growing Up in a Sundown Town
The town where my family lived until I was in 3rd grade, I am told, was a sundown
town (Arab, AL) - I remember flying into Huntsville 30 years ago, when I
was stationed at England AFB, for my grandfather's funeral, my aunt
picking me up at the airport, crossing the river and, upon reaching the
Smallwood's Grocery where, as a kid, I bought balsawood gliders.
Standing next to the store was a huge billboard advertizing the next KKK
I also remember, when we arrived "up North", and started my new school, the school ended up arranging a tutor at a local college to assist me until I caught up with the other 3rd grade kids.
Comments on the article at: Alternet.
I also remember, when we arrived "up North", and started my new school, the school ended up arranging a tutor at a local college to assist me until I caught up with the other 3rd grade kids.
Comments on the article at: Alternet.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Readers Prefer Literal Bible Translations Over Common English, New Survey Shows
I suspect most people's preference in Bibles has everything to do with the one that gets used in their church so as not to have to buy more than one. Personally
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Bank Of America Debit Card Fee Leads To Legislative Response
Better to keep your money under a mattress than give it to Bank of America, at least that way it might not get stolen.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Bay Minette UPDATE: Church/jail Sentence Program Under Review
That does kinda put the Republican voting Conservati
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Tuesday, September 20, 2011
So Long DADT
Thank you to all our Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered troops who served and sometimes died for us despite being treated like 2nd-class citizens for so many years. And goodbye to an avenue more often used by Straight people to get an early discharge.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Leigh Stubbs, Mississippi Woman, Serving 44-Year Sentence Despite Discredited Testimony
As I've said before, like everything else in America, Justice belongs only to those who can afford it.
Besides ...how else will corporatio
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Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Evangelical Leaders Gloomy Over Losing Influence in America
When Conservati ve Christians joined up (became "unevenly yoked") with the Republican Party, they became identified with it and as the reputation of Republican s has risen and sunk, so has the reputation of Christiani ty itself. The Bible called this sort of thing "harlotry. "
Christians have forgotten where the Bible reminds us we are not of this world, we are citizens of heaven and only ambassador s to earth, etc. We have tried to make America into a "Christian Nation" after a sort forgetting that Jesus came to save people not nations. It's the same mistake we made in the once "Christian Nations" of Europe - now those same nations are highly resistant to Christiani ty.
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Christians have forgotten where the Bible reminds us we are not of this world, we are citizens of heaven and only ambassador
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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Bill O'Reilly: Media Labeling Norway Killer Breivik 'Christian' Because 'They Don't Like Christians' (VIDEO)
I am a Christian, but to deny that more people have been killed in the name of Christiani
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Sunday, July 24, 2011
States Raise Fees, Fines To Salvage Budgets And Avoid Tax Increases
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Thursday, July 14, 2011
Tea Party Convention Canceled Due To Low Registration Numbers
I have long advocated a two-pronge
About Michele Bachmann
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Boehner: Debt Ceiling Talks With White House 'Like Dealing With Jell-O'
Mr. Boehner, you ran on jobs, to date not one job creation bill. We will listen to what you have to say after you bring us a job creation bill - in the meantime, you are the teacher in a Charlie Brown special.
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Friday, July 8, 2011
Eric Cantor Hit By Democrats For Potentially Profiting From U.S. Default
Betting against America - that's what Republican
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Republican Strategists: Obama Risking Independent Voter Support
The Democrats may be the lesser of two evils, but I'm not voting for the greater evil in protest.
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Obama On Jobs Report: 'We Still Have A Long Way To Go'
To paraphrase Hartmann, the only thing Republican "trickle-d
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011
From Crusading Guardian To Media Frenzy: Why Rupert Murdoch Should Be Worried
NewsCorp is the Völkischer Beobachter of the Conservati
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Jeff Sessions: Saying Millionaires Should Share Pain Is 'Rather Pathetic'
As a percentage of income, the wealthy pay less taxes than than the poor and middle class (although they like to pretend that the income tax is the only tax people pay). So, the people least able to bear the cost of governing is stuck with the bill, and the wealthy who benefit the most from governing (much of the cost of our Department of Defense, for example, goes toward protecting trade) get out of paying for it.
It's not just money, the poor & MC have long sacrificed their sons on the front lines to defend this country while the wealthy get their sons exemptions or officer jobs.
The poor and MC have sacrificed sons, treasure, and comfort for our Country, and it is high time the wealthy contribute their fair share. But, one forgets, when it comes down to it, the wealthy have no country.
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Sunday, July 3, 2011
Herman Cain Excites Mainstream Conservatives, Pushes Ahead In Polls
The Republican philosophy can be summed up in the words of the first Cain: Am I my brothers keeper?
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Saturday, July 2, 2011
Todd Akin Silent On 'Hatred Of God' Controversy
How many followers of Jesus are Liberal? All of them.
About Elections 2012
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Friday, July 1, 2011
Todd Akin Silent On 'Hatred Of God' Controversy
Jesus believed in feeding the poor and healing the sick. The first church was Socialist (Acts 2:44). If anyone hates (which in Biblical terms refers to actions rather than feelings) God, it would be the Conservati
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Glenn Beck's Last Fox News Show: Recap Of The Finale (VIDEO)
Don't go away mad Glenn Beck, just go away.
I celebrated Glenn Beck's departure by calling my cable company and increasing my subscripti
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Sunday, June 26, 2011
The Big Lie
"Fiscally conservative Republicans" is an oxymoron. 78% of the debt was created by 3 Republican Presidents. The most pork-laden bill in American history was a Bush/GOP Congress highway bill in 2005 that contained over 6,000 earmarks.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Rochester Woman Arrested After Videotaping Police From Her Own Front Yard
If the police weren't doing anything wrong, they wouldn't be afraid of having their wrongdoing recorded.
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Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Labor Regulators To Propose New Rules Quickening Union Elections
Unions are why we HAD a Middle Class in America, Republican aided union busting is why the Middle Class belongs on the Endangered Species list in America.
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Monday, June 20, 2011
The Rise of the Religious Left
Progressiv es haven't recently discovered religion. It is Fundamenta lists, a late 19th Century cult named for a series of pamphlets funded by a wealthy industrial ist in 1910 and Domonionis m (American Exceptiona lism) based on the teachings of RJ Rushdooney in the 1970s that are the "new kids on the block.
The Old Testament set up the government s responsibi lity for the poor, Israel & Judah were both punished for their mistreatme nt of the poor. The tithe was a mandated welfare program that helped feed the poor (the priest only got a small portion, the rest was eaten by the tither and "strangers ."
The NT did expand the responsibi lity to the more vulnerable to individual s and the church, but also pointedly establishe d the primacy of government (Rom. 13:1-7)
About Religion and Politics
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The Old Testament set up the government
The NT did expand the responsibi
About Religion and Politics
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Internet Sales Tax Would Cover More Than 46,000 Teacher Salaries: BLS
The income tax is just one of the taxes we pay. Excise taxes, etc. take a much higher percentage of the incomes of the poor and Middle Class than of the wealthy. In terms of total tax burden, according to the Federal government for 2009, the last figures I found, the total tax burden of a family living in Chicago and earning $25K per year was 13.1% of their income. A family earning $100k paid 9.5% of their income in taxes. The gap grows wider the higher the income.
The figures for $25k earners are low since it assumes that $25k earners rent and thus does not include property taxes - even though renters actually pay their landlord's taxes.
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Saturday, June 18, 2011
For Evangelicals, Bachmann 'Speaks Our Code'
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Friday, June 17, 2011
Progressives 'Break Up' With Obama
For years, I have voted for Democrats because they are the lesser of two evils, but the lesser of two evils is still evil and I want a decent alternativ
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
American Labor's Next Target
The only reason American workers have a 40 hour week, weekends off, paid vacations and holidays, sick leave, health insurance, etc. is because of unions - the only reason we still have them is the threat of unions.
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Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Southern Baptists Look To Minorities To Jump-Start Growth
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Southern Baptists Look To Minorities To Jump-Start Growth
Jerry Falwell originally taught that Christians should stay out of politics (in accordance with traditiona
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Beck: I Would Be 'Uncomfortable' With Muslim In My Administration (AUDIO)
Taqiyya is permitted in Shia Islam (not Sunni) ONLY as a means of safety. One is permitted to lie or eat forbidden foods to protect oneself from torture, imprisonme
During my time in the USAF, I served 27 months in Turkey with a weekend trip to Syria. I worked side-by-si
In fact, while I am a Christian, I would trust many Muslim people I have met a lot further than I would trust any Fundamenta
About Glenn Beck
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Unemployment Showdowns In Arizona And Pennsylvania [UPDATE]
The only job a Republican ever cared about was their own - and they should all be fired in Nov 2012.
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Sunday, June 12, 2011
Chris Christie Announces Plan To Privatize New Jersey Public Schools
The Republican Party is against education because an education is the only cure for the disease of Conservati
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Saturday, June 11, 2011
Supreme Court Rules Against Microsoft In i4i Patent Case
Patents and copyrights do not belong in a Free Market - indeed where they exist, a free market does not.
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U.S., Switzerland Talk Regularizing Secret Overseas U.S. Accounts
The past 10 years of Bush tax cuts has shown that tax cuts don't create jobs - they create unemployme
Rich people do not create jobs - the poor and Middle Class with money to spend create rich people.
About IMF
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Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Gov. Rick Perry's: 'The Response': Solving America's Problems With Prayer (VIDEO)
After 8 years of Bush & 3 years of Republican obstructio
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Tim Pawlenty Economic Policy Speech: Obama 'A Champion Practitioner Of Class Warfare'
The Republican idea of Class Warfare is when the poor and Middle Class fight back.
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Monday, June 6, 2011
Wisconsin Protesters Erect 'Walkerville' Tent City To Protest Scott Walker's Budget Cuts
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Friday, May 27, 2011
The Mystery Behind the Missing Years of Jesus
Meditation is actually mentioned quite frequently in the Tanakh (Old Testament) Hebrew (lasuach, hāgâ and sîḥâ are the Hebrew words). Granted, probably not the same meditative methods as employed by the Buddhists and Hindus, but forms of meditation nonetheles s.
Having read most scriptures available in translatio n, the Dhammapada and Tao te Ching, especially , echo the "Red Letter" words of Jesus (or vice versa since they preceded him). And, although Buddhist missionari es had reached the area around Palestine before the time of Jesus, there doesn't necessaril y have to be a correlatio n - mystics of all religions tend to come to similar conclusion s about the treatment of the poor and so forth.
About Christianity
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Having read most scriptures available in translatio
About Christianity
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Monday, May 9, 2011
Primary Election 2012: Conservative Fears Of Permanent Welfare State May Create Wild Ride
The greatest threat to democracy we face is unfettered capitalism
Not that I believe that ANY pure system is good. Our nation prospered the most when we had a blend of regulated (and often protected) capitalism AND a safety net. We had more jobs when the wealthy and corporatio
Trickle down is a complete and utter failure as Hoover, the first president to try it, discovered
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Becoming Christian Mystics Again
Wonderful! The author's new book is available for the Kindle at a reasonable price - excited to start reading it tomorrow morning when I turn my Kindle on. Would love an Audible version.
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Monday, April 25, 2011
Poll: Americans See Clash Between Christianity, Capitalism
The first church was set up as a Socialist organizati
Old Testament Law regulated business practices (Lev 19:36) and labor relations (Lev 19:13).
The forms of business we see in the Bible are farming, crafts businesses
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The Crucifixion of Jesus: Killing a Radical
On Good Friday, Religious Conservati ves believed they'd helped kill just one more Liberal. On Easter Sunday (or Resurrecti on Day), they found out you just can't keep a good Liberal down.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011
Florida Loses $2.4 Billion For High-Speed Trains
About Trains
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Friday, March 11, 2011
Jury Out On Religion and the Death Penalty
To take a strictly biblical view of capital punishment
I am against capital punishment under our standard but would offer tentative support if we used the biblical standard.
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Book Now Available on Amazon
My book is now available on Amazon
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Conservatives are Merry Old Nuts
My new book is available at SmashWords (in most ebook formats), still in processing at Amazon (Kindle), and the paperback (at a much higher cost) will be available in a week or two.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Illinois Death Penalty Abolished? Pat Quinn Plans To Sign Bill, Lawmaker Says
The death penalty is no deterrent to crime - if anything the death penalty and "three strikes" laws increase violent crime by encouragin
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