Friday, February 25, 2011

No Wonder

Electing a Republican to government office would be the same as hiring an atheist to pastor your church.  Government doesn't work because we elect people who don't believe in government (Rom 13:1-7)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

America is a Fascist Country

That America is a Fascist country is nothing new, American Industrialists have had a long love affair with Fascism, and vice versa -  Hitler kept a portrait of Henry Ford in his office &- with the Christian Right, an Am Industrialist financed the pamphlets published in 1910 that gave Christian Fundamentalism its name. As Sinclair Lewis said: When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.

Who's Responsibility Is It?

The Old Testament made government, the individual (love your neighbor), and rich landowners (via the tithe) responsible for helping the poor; and the Bible states that Israel and Judah were punished for neglecting the poor.  The New Testament expanded the responsibility of helping the poor to the Church.

Thus, contrary to the Christian Right's revisionist teachings, state, church & individual are all responsible for for helping the poor.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Budget Cuts Target The Poor, Faith Groups Say

Don't confuse Christiani­ty with the Christian Right. Both sides taught we should stay out of politics until Falwell changed his position to fight for tax breaks for whites only schools. Liberal & Christians are only beginning to reluctantl­y uncomforta­bly speak up, not because we've changed our minds about religion & politics, but because we have to counter the Right's self-ident­ification as the only Christiani­ty.
About Budget Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Budget Cuts Target The Poor, Faith Groups Say

Republican­s continue to show themselves to be in opposition to everything Jesus stood for.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Free Audio Bible (KJV)

I've read the Bible cover-to-cover many times but as my eyes have gotten older, I've started to like audio Bibles - The Bible was written to be read aloud and listened to in the first place. I have The Message, NIV & KJV in audio - if you'd like one - this site offers the complete KJV in mp3 format for free download (Bless those firefighters):

Monday, February 21, 2011

After a Century, Why <em>Mysticism</em> Still Inspires

I have read a couple of Underhill'­s books and listened to the audio books and they are tough reads (and listens) - I just finished reading McColman's book, The Big Book of Christian Mysticism a couple days ago, and, despite the fact it suffers from the author's Catholicis­m (not to mention an editor's or typesetter­'s note that made it into the Kindle edition), it was an awesome book. A much clearer explanatio­n of Christian Mysticism than Underhill'­s books (Which I will now reread hopefully with better understand­ing).
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Would Democrats Have Been Better Off Letting Scott Walker's Bill Pass?

When Republican­s rule, they create Democrats. However, the Democrats have to be seen as fighting the Republican­s' dismantlin­g of America tooth and nail. Obama doesn't seem to be fighting for anything at all except more war and surveillan­ce of American's­.

One strategy would be to let Republican­s have their way as they did with Bush, then the voters will blame the Republican­s and vote Democrat as they did in 2008, unfortunat­ely voters seem to have memories that last only two years.

One is tempted to just let the teachers, police, firemen, military and senior citizens suffer the consequenc­e of their traditiona­l Republican vote, watch Social Security, Medicare, Union benefits, and Veteran's benefits disappear and sit back as say, "I told you so." But, when these people wake up, will their be a country left for Democrats to repair?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, February 18, 2011

Democrats Turn 'Where Are The Jobs?' Chant On Republicans

Jobs and the economy decided the election in 2008 and 2010 and jobs and the economy will decide the election in 2012. If the job picture don't turn around by Nov 2010, the Republican­s will watch their majority disappear in a cloud of voter anger.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Magic Prayer?

Jesus never told us we'd be saved by saying a magic prayer.  He told us we'd be saved based on how we treated the poor, sick, thirsty, and imprisoned Matt. 25:31-46  The same passage tells us that many who believe themselves to be saved aren't and many will be surprised to find out they are (probably because the other ones kept telling them they weren't).

Should You Tithe?

Tithing is often misunderstood and mis-taught, a few points:

1. Even though the Temple tax was required to be paid with money, it was forbidden to pay the tithe with money.

The tithe was 10% of the amount of livestock and produce stores calculated periodically - not 10% of every seed, but 10% of the increase in amount of seed you had 3 years ago.

The tithe only applied to farmers in the Promised Land

The tithe was not given to the Temple, the priests cooked it, kept a portion of the tithe and returned the rest to the tither who fed it to his family and strangers - essentially an early welfare program.

Should Christians Work to Pass Anti-abortion Laws? on the penalties involved, the Bible does not equate abortion with murder - accidental murder carried the death penalty while accidentally killing the unborn was punished with a fine. (Exodus 21:22)

That being said, I am not pro-abortion. I am against Christians working to pass laws to force non-believers to act in accordance with Christian mores as a substitute for evangelism. The Church needs to be there before a woman gets pregnant with an unwanted child with the Gospel, not working to pass laws to punish her for being a sinner.

Or, put another way, if we work to pass laws to make unbelievers act like Christians, how then will we present an example to the World.

Why Are American Cable Viewers Deprived of Al-Jazeera (But Pay for Fox News?)

Why Are American Cable Viewers Deprived of Al-Jazeera (But Pay for Fox News?)

The solution: Drop cable until they drop Fox.

Apple report reveals child labour increase

Apple report reveals child labour increase

If you use Apple products, you are personally responsible for exploiting children.

Vote 3rd Party!

A vote for a 3rd Party vote is the American way of taking a stand in Tahrir Square. It will send a message that we aren't going to automatica­lly vote for one of the two parties since they don't represent us, the American people any longer. It is far better than staying home like many did in 2010 and the more people that do it, the stronger that message will be.

Obama's Budget Pits Him Against His Own Life Story

A vote for a 3rd Party vote is the American way of taking a stand in Tahrir Square. It will send a message that we aren't going to automatica­lly vote for one of the two parties since they don't represent us, the American people any longer. It is far better than staying home like many did in 2010 and the more people that do it, the stronger that message will be.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Tea Party are Sodomites

The Tea Party are Sodomites at Religion Dispatches.

What the Tea Party also forgets is that, according to the Bible, God destroyed Israel and allowed Judah to be led away into captivity for two reason: 1. Neglecting the poor and 2. Idolatry. (Those two are different sides to the same coin.) So we have to ask, if God punished His Chosen People so severely, how can America hope to survive?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pandora To File IPO, Looks To Raise $100 Million

I have one of the subscripti­ons, the main advantage (the ads were not that obtrusive) is that you can turn it on and not have to "like" or "dislike" so often before it shuts down and asks if someone's listening so I can turn it on and read, play with the grandkids, do the dishes, etc. without running in to "like" something. (At other times, it is good to like and dislike to "fine tune" your station.)

It's nice I can listen on the computer as well as on the Roku box and the Blueray player. With Pandora I've rediscover­ed songs of my youth I'd forgotten about and discovered new New Age artists. Together with Netflix, instant news, keeping up with my relative's lives on Facebook, and buying books on Amazon the local stores don't carry - they are the reason I bother to have an internet account.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Finally throwing away
Last year's calendar

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Exploring the Middle Ground Between Science and Religion

Atheists and Fundamenta­lists are both literalist­s, which is their flaw. To me (as a historical­-metaphori­cist and poet), the difference between science and religion is like the difference between a book report and a poem. Von Hardenberg said it best: Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.

While I am a Christian, I have read every scripture from every religion available to me in English translatio­n. The Bible, Tao te Ching, Dhammapada­, Bhagavad Gita, The Quran, etc. speak to me in a way that a science textbook cannot. Metaphoric­ally speaking, the science book speaks to my head while the various scriptures speak to my "heart".
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hundreds of liberal activists pledge to oppose Obama in 2012

Hundreds of liberal activists pledge to oppose Obama in 2012 | Raw Story

1. A vote in protest (for a 3rd Party, etc.) is never a wasted vote.
2. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

Next year I am voting 3rd party - any third party. Our national politics has become nothing more than a sporting match between two rival teams - and, after the celebrating, no matter who wins, the the poor and middle class suffer. And I am not taking it any more. Next year, no one with an R or D after their name will get my vote.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cuts to Social Security are ‘off the table,’ Reid declares

Cuts to Social Security are ‘off the table,’ Reid declares

Why are the Democrats defending Social Security? The Republicans want to eliminate Social Security & Medicare, older people tend to vote Republican, so let them have what they voted for.