When Republican
s rule, they create Democrats. However, the Democrats have to be seen as fighting the Republican
s' dismantlin
g of America tooth and nail. Obama doesn't seem to be fighting for anything at all except more war and surveillan
ce of American's
One strategy would be to let Republican
s have their way as they did with Bush, then the voters will blame the Republican
s and vote Democrat as they did in 2008, unfortunat
ely voters seem to have memories that last only two years.
One is tempted to just let the teachers, police, firemen, military and senior citizens suffer the consequenc
e of their traditiona
l Republican vote, watch Social Security, Medicare, Union benefits, and Veteran's benefits disappear and sit back as say, "I told you so." But, when these people wake up, will their be a country left for Democrats to repair?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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