Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When was America a Christian Nation?

Was America a Christian Nation when it gave pox infested blankets to Native Americans?

Was America a Christian Nation when it tried teenage girls for witchcraft?

Was America a Christian Nation when it enslaved millions of Africas?

Was America a Christian Nation when it put its Japansese citizens in concentration camps?

Was America a Christian Nation when Jerry Falwell campaigned for whites-only Christian schools?

Was America a Christian Nation when it denied women the vote?

Was America a Christian Nation when it shot college kids at KSU

Was America a Christian Nation when it helped oust a Democratically elected gov't in Iran?

Was America a Christian Nation when it helped oust a Democratically elected gov't in Haiti?

Was America a Christian Nation when it helped invaded Iraq on falsified reasons?

Is America a Christian Nation when it kills innocent civilians in Afghanistan?

Is America a Christian Nation when it allows Texas to kill innocent and retarded prisoners?

When exactly has America ever been a Christian Nation we'd want to "go back to?"

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