Saturday, March 6, 2010

Three men hired a small plane to hunt moose in Canada, but the pilot warned them: "This is a very small plane, so you can only bring back one moose.'

Inevitably the men got carried away and ended up killing three moose. When they brought their trophies back to the plane, the pilot was appalled.

'I said one moose only!'

"That's what you said last year,' replied one of the hunters, 'but for an additional hundred dollars you then allowed us to take the three moose on the plane. So, here, take the money now.'

The pilot relented and allowed the three moose on board, but shortly after take-off the plane crashed. Pulling himself from the wreckage, one hunter looked around semi-conscious and asked: 'Where are we?'

One of his colleagues muttered: 'About a hundred yards from where we crashed last year.'

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